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Grammy Family

In arts this President's Day: fully-electric "To Pimp a Butterfly" from Chicago GD-degree removed, Kendrick Lamar, stands tonight with 11 Grammy nominations. Kanye West claimed he will win 100 in his lifetime (Complex). Emanuel Administration-degree removed Chancelor Bennet ( from 79th speculated about Grammy's commercial prerequisites... 

You said let’s do a good ass job with Chance 3
I heard you gotta sell it to snatch the Grammy
Let’s make it so free and the bars so hard
that there ain't one gosh darn part you can’t tweet

No More Parties in LA

...before naming Jason Van Dyke during a singular delivery of Ultralight Beam on NBC. West subsequently indicted, broadly and by name (Zuckerberg, Page), San Francisco / Silicon Valley arts and media financing: 
All you dudes in San Fran play rap music in your homes but never help the real artists…source
20 Committee observed if he didn't exist, West would have to be invented (Twitter). Quite right. From my perspective the comment on SF art financing is "deeper than rap". It's a comment about American geo-political power. West locates precisely names Super Bowl City and Baghdad By the Bay: San Francisco.

The Life of Pablo Tidal.

This President's Day Sale brought to you by Terrence Thornton: "My Barcode is Netflix Nacros" ("Untouchable"). Linguistic map mined from Twitter. Data Testing CartoDB data, cartographic tools. Source  "I seen one time turn sunshine into Freddie Gray" ("Sunshine", Thornton). Baltimore.

Ultralight Beam

PS: Lupe was robbed for Tetsuo & Youth. Masterpiece. Shakespeare. Prisoner 1, Prisoner 2. "dirty needles breaking all the old records" 

Just throw this at the end if its too late for the intro

Good Mourning America


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