Reality TV this weekend, America's drug of choice. Stephen Curry last night. Salt. Lake. City. Last. Night. Oscars tonight - what's fact, what's fiction. 32,000 for Trump/Sessions in Alabama. Apple/FBI. Supreme Court. White House. Oval Office. Only in America. What a country. The documentary of Dub - a former Utah sheriff and SWAT innovator. Today, Dub cheerfully reconstructs crime scenes - including the raid by his own SWAT on his own son-in-law. ( Apple ) In this scene from the film, Dub reconstructs a crime scene firefight inside the home of a US Army veteran suspected of growing marijuana. "America" - who exactly isn't yet 100% confirmed - found time to name Appalachia the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) of 2015, according to Huntington News this Saturday ( 2/27/2016 ). The paper implies it was the Executive Office of the President. I am not yet able to source independent corroboration - except via LA HIDTA Twitter handle. Checked...
#samewar, #samepeace, the elusive quest for growth