I recommend Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) because they work on the root cause of the most pressing health, security, and civil rights subject in the United States: the war on drugs. Recent CDC data shows that heroin use now qualifies as an epidemic. The Center attributes the heroin boom to the prescription opioid boom of the last 20 years. The drug war approach disables the most vulnerable from finding help. Prohibition's emphasis on arrest yields an exceptional imbalance: the US has 5% of the world's people, but 25% of its prisoners. Incarceration does not rehabilitate offenders. Quite the opposite. Data clearly shows that the incarcerated are at higher risk for re-admission - and that their families, especially their children, experience higher risk for incarceration. That dynamic is a clear and present national security risk, including to California. Just this last weekend, in Chicago, more than 50 people were shot. For the second straight weekend. ...
#samewar, #samepeace, the elusive quest for growth